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Updated: Sep 23, 2020

The Alperton Community Action Group was one of the first community support groups created in Brent, due to the foresight of one of our local councillors, Anton Georgiou, who set this in motion on 14th March by creating a WhatsApp group of volunteers to share ideas on how best to help and support the most vulnerable in our community during the COVID-19 crisis. In 48 hours, we had more than 80 participants working together to identify and help our neighbours in these trying times. 

The group mainly focuses on neighbours looking after neighbours. This has created incredibly strong local connections with people looking after each other, supporting their neighbours and sharing their ideas with others. One of the most impactful actions the group has made was creating and distributing leaflets with key pieces of advice in locally spoken languages. A dedicated group of over 30 volunteers have also been delivering food for self isolating neighbours.

In April, the Alperton Community Action Group teamed up with the Wembley Central & Alperton Residents' Association (WCARA) on a project aimed at uplifting the spirits of locals. With the help of local residents, volunteers and businesses, we raised funds to purchase and distribute thousands of bedding plants to local residents under the #Blossom2020 initiative. It was an effort to bring a little bit of happiness and joy in the lives of our neighbours during these tough times.

Now, as the restrictions are slowly being lifted, we are still committed to staying together and keeping the space active to offer advice and help where and when it may be needed.

We have also been supportive of the Community Response Kitchen based in Alperton which is helping to feed many people across the borough and beyond. Some of our volunteers assist when needed.


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